Kavanaugh, MS, Banker Horner, L., Barkhaus, PB. December 11-13, 2015. Computer generated communication device and young carers: A Case study of twins caring for a parent with ALS. 26th International Symposium on ALS/MND. Orlando, FL. Presenter, refereed poster presentation.
Kavanaugh, MS, Banker Horner, L., Barkhaus, PB. December 10, 2015. Benefits of participating in research: A supportive tool for ALS young carers. 10th Annual Allied Professional forum International Symposium on ALS/MND. Orlando, FL. Presenter, invited presentation.
Kavanaugh, MS, May 2, 2015. Results from Pilot study of ALS youth caregivers. ALS Research Symposium, Milwaukee, WI. Presenter, conference presenter.
Kavanaugh, MS, December 5-7, 2014. Caregiving children to a family member with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). 25th International Symposium on ALS/MND. Brussels, Belgium. Presenter, refereed poster presentation.